Take a family pledge for smart use of technology


Everyone has a role to play in keeping ourselves – and each other – safe online. The idea of a family contract, or series of pledges, is to get everyone in the family on board as to what it means to use today’s technologies safely and smartly. Read and sign the following pledges as a family and then let us know when you’re done. It’s that simple!

*A note before you begin: These contracts are really conversation starters. Sure, you can sign them and post them by your PC (and we encourage you to do so!), but the actual text of the contracts is far less important than the conversations you have with your kids. Talk with them frequently about how they are using technology to enhance their lives and ask them to talk with you about privacy and other issues. Consider asking their advice on how you can use the technology better and more safely. Your kids may know a lot more than you think they do and you may be a lot more patient and understanding than they give you credit for. Tips, rules and contracts are useful tools but they are not a substitute for two-way communication.

Pledge for Kids

Pledge for Teens

Pledge for Parents


YES, I PLEDGE to join my family in staying safe online!